When you’re a student, you don’t always want to live alone. Sharing your flat with roommates allows you to share a bigger house or a flat but also it allows you to decrease the taxes.
My veasytor will give you advices in order for you to find your ideal colocation but also by preparing your researches.
How to properly chose a student flatshare ?
As we said previously, living with people you don’t know can be a good experience, but mostly if we don’t have the funds necessary to live alone. It is up to you to form a flatshare either with your friends or join a colocation already made.
If you choose to create a co-habitation with your friends, be careful, your best friend is maybe not the best roommates.
You need, then, to observe your friends’s habits in order to see if their habits match yours. If you are new in town and you don’t know a lot of people, living with some person helps the process of meeting people.
Living as part of a community
If you wanna live in shared-flat, it is also learn to live as part of a community.
The first thing to do when you live as part of a community is to define a set of rules that will help making life easier. It goes from cleaning the flat, who and when? But also taking out the thrash for exemple. You need to be on the same page for everything, the groceries, the kitchen and also the maintenance of common areas. This is necessary in order to create a good ambiance.
Communication is key to avoid having any troubles with people you live with, which can be very hard if so.
“ Am I capable of living with stranger?” Because living in colocation it is also living with people that are different than you. They have not the same schedule, the same eating habits nor the same needs and desires.
Sharing a flat is not for everyone, so you really have to think this through in order to avoid any problems.
You could find this really hard to live and this will result in your mental health for sure, which is the last thing you want. There is no point in living with people if you don’t talk to them or if you stay in your room all day with the door locked.
Whenever you’re looking for a colocation, you d’ont really know where to begin and it is totally normal. There are a lot of websites that can be here to help you.
You can spread the word around you: Before starting your researches, talk to your environment. It is an easy way that can allo you to find a colocation that is made for you. In the best case, you may come across a friend’s way that is in the same situation. Your friend will maybe talk to you about a colocation or refer friends of him with whom you could get along.
Use specialised web sites: there is another way, developing a lot recently, websites that provides offer; You can have apartager.com, la carte des colocs, immojeune. Those websites allows you to contact colocation or owners.
( If you can’t get to a flat visit, don’t hesitate to use our app My veasytor)