Erasmus + , programme for International Student
choisis ton logement avant même de rentrer d'erasmus

Erasmus+ is a students exchange program for individuals in the fields of education and training. It is managed by the European Higher Education Area and enables students and teachers to study or undertake internships abroad by joining a partner institution to enhance their knowledge and skills.

Erasmus+ , what is it? for who? where?

Erasmus+ is a university student exchange program, but also open to all audiences in the fields of education and training. It is managed by the European Higher Education Area. It allows students and teachers to stay abroad for their studies or internships by joining a partner institution in order to increase their knowledge and skills. You can find here the Programm Guide

Participating Countries:

  • The 27 EU member states + Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey, the Republic of North Macedonia, and Serbia
  • Eastern European countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine
  • Southern European countries: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Syria
  • Western Balkans: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro
  • The Russian Federation


This program allows students to validate their year of study abroad without any constraints as the courses taken in the host country have formal recognition by the home country. Moreover, thanks to this program, scholarships, loans, and health insurance provided by the home country are maintained in the host country, which is extremely valuable considering the difference in support provided by different countries.

Having an Erasmus experience is a real asset for potential employers as it highlights your adaptability.

How to access the program:

To access the program, several conditions must be met. Firstly, you must be a French or European national. You must also have validated at least one year of higher education. While business schools can participate in this program, it is not the case for DUT or BTS diplomas as they are not considered higher education.

An application form is available at the original educational institution to make a request, and several criteria are taken into account. You must have a minimum level of proficiency in a foreign language and satisfactory academic results. You must also demonstrate a certain level of motivation and be recommended by several professors.

Your application must therefore include:

  • A cover letter
  • A letter of recommendation written by at least two teachers
  • A request letter for assistance and scholarship

Places are limited for this program, so it is important to showcase your strengths and stand out.

Financing the ERASMUS program

Financial aid is available to fund the Erasmus+ program.

  • Firstly, the Erasmus+ Scholarship is a European aid that finances tuition fees as well as expenses incurred during your stay. The amount varies depending on the destination and the duration of the stay. The aid can reach up to €600 per month for students and €750 for interns. It is also cumulative with the CROUS scholarship.
  • An inclusion supplement of €250 applies if you have a disability, a long-term illness, or if you are a scholarship holder on social criteria level 6 or 7.
  • For overseas students, the amount is €700 per month.
  • Regarding Switzerland, it is not possible to benefit from this scholarship as the country directly offers its own scholarship system.

Other aids are possible:

  • CNOUS mobility grants allow students who are studying abroad for a period of 3 to 9 months to receive an amount equal to the 5th social criteria level, which is cumulative with the scholarship for social criteria.
  • Mayor’s Scholarship: Some cities offer additional financial assistance of up to €160 per month.
  • Departmental Council Scholarship: It is available in some departments.
  • Regional Council Scholarship: This scholarship is available in some regions.

Financing the ERASMUS program

Financial aid is available to fund the Erasmus+ program.

  • Firstly, the Erasmus+ Scholarship is a European aid that finances tuition fees as well as expenses incurred during your stay. The amount varies depending on the destination and the duration of the stay. The aid can reach up to €600 per month for students and €750 for interns. It is also cumulative with the CROUS scholarship.
  • An inclusion supplement of €250 applies if you have a disability, a long-term illness, or if you are a scholarship holder on social criteria level 6 or 7.
  • For overseas students, the amount is €700 per month.
  • Regarding Switzerland, it is not possible to benefit from this scholarship as the country directly offers its own scholarship system.

Other aids are possible:

  • CNOUS mobility grants allow students who are studying abroad for a period of 3 to 9 months to receive an amount equal to the 5th social criteria level, which is cumulative with the scholarship for social criteria.
  • Mayor’s Scholarship: Some cities offer additional financial assistance of up to €160 per month.
  • Departmental Council Scholarship: It is available in some departments.
  • Regional Council Scholarship: This scholarship is available in some regions.

How to obtain the scholarship Erasmus + ?

To benefit from the Erasmus+ scholarship, you need to:

  • Be enrolled in a secondary education institution and be part of it.
  • Have completed your first year of study (except for internships, in which case it is possible to leave in the first year).
  • The home and host institutions must be partners in the Erasmus+ program.
  • The length of the stay must be between 2 months and 1 year per cycle of study.

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